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Jimmy Jazz

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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Opening hours

Monday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm; Tuesday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm; Wednesday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm; Thursday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm; Friday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm; Sunday: 0:00 pm - 5:00 pm;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Jimmy Jazz in New Jersey is -5 hours
$$ $$
Price range: Affordable


75 Metro Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.771968°
Longitude: -74.0712485°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 877-307-5299
Official website

Map of the Jimmy Jazz in Secaucus City

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Reviews to Jimmy Jazz

Reviewed July 16, 2015 13:17
Review rating 1
- Terrible #47940
This is my first negative review to a store ever, I usually have no problems or minimal problems with my online shopping experience, but this store was just the worst. First time I bought an item, size was way off so I wanted to exchange it, well in order to exchange you must order the new item AGAIN because they wont just ship another one (like all stores do) so u have to go online and print the shipping slip yourself... they will take off $6.50 from the money they put back on your card for shipping cost.
So I decided to do it and order another pair of pants with the next two sizes, talk about way off AGAIN then since I don't want to lose my shipping money again decided to Google their NJ store address ( only one tore in NJ btw ) welp the first one they show is in Secaucus,I go there and turns out its just their office ( no store ) WTF? receptionist sends me to New port mall about 20 mins from that office, once I get there they DO NOT TAKE RETURNS IN STORE... come on now wth! this whole thing was such a waste of time man seriously.
I cannot deal,avoid shopping there online and if you're in the store make sure u try on the item ( if they even have a fitting room, cuz I heard they don't ) Rant over.
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