Revival Temple Center of  Deliverance

                            Bishop Gregory A. Woods - Pastor


                                                  And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people...                                                                              And I  am come down to deliver them...  Exodus 3:7-8

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    GOD IS


It is our prayer that this website serves as a tool to point you to God, so that you too might experience the blessing of being part of The Body of Christ. The Church is not merely brick & mortar, but rather it is the living, breathing parts of that Body — so that we all are the hands and feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Welcome, and we hope to see you soon!


81-85 16th Avenue

Newark, New Jersey 07103

973-642-8588 Office

973-642-8519  Fax



Here at our church we look forward to connecting with you!   Feel free to contact us at anytime! 

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