New York City Church of Christ
Loving God, Loving People, Serving NYC & The World
Our Locations
Select A Region
Bronx Region
Sunday Services at 11am
800 East Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10467
Evander Child's Campus
Online on Youtube
7:30 pm
Midweeks on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 8108 3991
Passcode: 240257
Brooklyn Region
Sunday Services at 11am
Welcome! We are the NYC Church of Christ in Brooklyn (aka BKChurch). Check out our calendar below for all our upcoming events Please join us!
88 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217
(at South Portland Avenue)
Sunday Services stream at
Midweek services are on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM.
City Campus (AONYC) Region
Fellowship Nights: Are you a college student in New York City? Join us every Friday at 7pm for a fun time throughout the city. We love building community centered on Jesus and making memories together! All are welcome.
See Calendar for details!
Personal Bible studies available & public Group Discussions at
NYU, Columbia, Pace, City College, Lehman and Queens College!
DM us through IG or Email for any info and get connected!
Harlem Region
Sunday Morning Service @ 10am
Harlem Region of the NYC Church of Christ
P.S 180 (Hugo Newman School)
370 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
Midweeks are at 7pm on Wednesdays via Zoom
(Check links on our calendar below)
Hudson Valley Region
Sundays at 10am
Knanaya Community Center
400 Willow Grove Road
Stony Point, NY 10980
Summer Sundays:
Haverstraw Bay Park
21 Gagan Rd
Haverstraw, NY 10927, USA
Midweek Services both in person and on Zoom
Long Island Region
Sunday Services at 10am
SUNY Old Westbury (Student Union Building)
Student Union Building
Wenwood Drive, Glen Head, NY 11545
Midweeks are at 8pm on Wednesdays via Zoom
Manhattan Region
The Manhattan Region (aka Big Apple Church) meets most Sundays at The Times Center (242 West 41st Street, NYC). Manhattan Services will also stream at Questions? Email us at
New Jersey Region
Welcome! We are the NYC Church of Christ in northern New Jersey (aka Garden State Church). Check out our calendar below, because we have many things planned. Please join us!
Queens Region
Sunday Services at 10:30am
PS 174 - William Sidney Mount School
65-10 Dieterle Crescent
Rego Park, Queens, NY 11374
Midweek Services Vary (see below)
1st Wednesday every month is an in-person midweek at 7:30pm, also at the same location as Sunday Worship services
PS 174 - William Sidney Mount School
65-10 Dieterle Crescent
Rego Park, Queens, NY 11374
2nd Wednesday, 7:30pm (Women only) on Zoom
3rd Wednesday, 7:30pm (Men only) on Zoom
4th Wed. (Meet in individual family groups)
To get this week's zoom link, please contact someone from our welcome team:
* Donald Varona or text 347-351-6023
* Seong Varona or text 206-313-5861
* Uriel Edwards or text 917-250-3653
* Robin Edwards or text 917-376-8243
Si necesita Ud. información en español, comuníquense directamente con nuestro Equipo de Bienvenida:
* Pablo Becerra o texto a 917-915-1849
* Claudia Becerra o texto a 646-220-0074
You can find more activity information at our Instagram link:
Staten Island Region
Sundays Services at 11Am
239 Seguine Ave. Staten Island, NY 10309
Midweek Services are at 7:30pm on Wednesdays on Zoom
Meeting ID: 84361563286
Passcode: 086756
Westchester Region
Welcome! We are the NYC Church of Christ in Westchester County (aka The Westchester Church). We would love to have you visit! Check out our calendar and events below.
Sunday Services at 10:30am
Manhattanville College
O'Byrne Chapel
2900 Purchase Street,
Purchase NY 10577
Midweek Service at 7:30pm
Check the calendar for details
All Church Region
Each Region plans their own weekly church services. For information about a specific ministry, click the Regional page on this site or email us at
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Online sermons and more
“You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.” — Acts 20:20.
Whether in big auditoriums or small living rooms, we love to hear from the Bible! We pray these messages will inspire every listener and viewer.
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The Gift of Giving
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” — 2 Corinthians 9:7.
We believe in giving our money back to God with free will offerings to the church, to the poor & other areas of need as they come up.
Donate Here