Message from your Mayor and Council
Dear Haworth neighbors,
February 26 Update
Hopefully, the snow season is almost behind us. Please remember, as per Borough ordinance 13-2, if you have a sidewalk adjacent to your property, it is your responsibility to shovel it for safe passage. You can find the full code here
Haworth Shade Tree Commission
Trees throughout town have been marked for pruning (orange ribbon) or removal (painted X) for the Winter Tree Program. We ask that you don’t remove any of these ribbons so that that tree work can move forward without confusion. We appreciate your cooperation!
Haworth Seniors
We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with a luncheon for all Seniors!
Monday, March 17, 12:00 pm.
First Congregational Church, 276 Haworth Ave, Haworth
Thank you to the Haworth Police Department for sponsoring the lunch. For more information or to register, please contact the Borough Clerk.
Haworth Environmental Commission
Haworth Clean-Up Day
Saturday, April 26, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am
Check-in: Terrace Street Parking Lot
We provide the gloves/bags/pickers, you bring your town spirit and love for a clean Haworth!
Community service hours for HPS 7th & 8th graders
Sponsored by the Haworth DPW & Haworth Environmental Commission. Any questions, contact Meghan Knaggs, 201/563-5901.
State of New Jersey
Division of Taxation Your Family's Earned Income Tax Credit Could Be Worth up to $3,132
Eligible New Jersey taxpayers can receive a substantial refundable credit through the State's Earned Income Tax Credit (NJEITC). For the 2024 tax year, credits reach up to $3,132 for families with three or more dependents. Requirements include NJ residency, a Social Security number, and meeting federal EITC criteria. Free tax help is available for those who qualify. For more information, check here.
Filing taxes in New Jersey just got easier, thanks to IRS Direct File, the innovative program that allows residents to file their taxes online with the government. This program is simple to use, with live support to answer any questions. Learn more about it at
Bergen County Task Force
The Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute is looking for 8th - 12th graders to create healthy changes in Bergen County.
We will be hosting three open sessions for students to join us and discuss heathy coping skills and not turning to substance use. We will be working towards a group project to share as well. Anyone wishing to use this as community service hours can contact us to do so. Dinner will be provided during sessions.
Sessions 1: Tuesday, March 4, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
150 Meadowlands Parkway, Ste 102, Secaucus, NJ
For questions, email Madie Jones at