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Bridge Pediatrics


Dr. Geeta Kumar

Dr. Geeta Kumar is a board-certified pediatrician practicing medicine in the Fort Lee area for over 15 years. In 2015, she left a large group to open her own practice because she wanted to provide pediatric care at a level of quality, consistency and continuity that she felt was not achievable in a large group setting.

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Hospital Affiliations

Expert Pediatric Care

Dr. Kumar has been practicing Pediatric Medicine for over 15 years in the Fort Lee area. She is board-certified, is affiliated with three local hospitals and has developed a large, personally-vetted referral network of experienced specialists to provide the best possible care for your child, from birth through adolescence.

State Of The Art Facility

Bridge Pediatrics was built from the ground up for the 21st century. We offer modern facilities, state-of-the-art equipment, and warm and cozy spaces to make you and your child feel comfortable. We're an electronic practice, providing a patient portal that puts all of your child's electronic medical records (EMR) at your fingertips.

Meet Our Providers


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