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Overall Rating 4.5
Total votes: 38
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Opening hours

Monday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm; Tuesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm; Wednesday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm; Thursday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm; Friday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm; Sunday: 0:00 pm - 5:00 pm;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for uBreakiFix in New York is -5 hours

Place categories and types


44 N Village Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.658057°
Longitude: -73.647998°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-766-5400

Map of the uBreakiFix in Rockville Centre City

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Reviews to uBreakiFix

Reviewed April 17, 2015 14:23
Review rating 5
- Excellent #239902
Always helpful - very knowledgeable. Great staff. Will definitely take my phone back there if (when!) I break it again.
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Reviewed December 31, 2014 14:54
Review rating 2
- Poor #239903
I was referred to this location after cracking the screen on my HTC phone. Aside from the broken glass the phone and touchscreen worked perfectly. Also the condition of the phone was excellent as it has always been in a case. They did the repair in about 40 mins at a cost of $99 but the clerk told me the new glass had a scratch on it. My options were they could order a new one or discount the repair by 5%. However aside from the scratch I immediately noticed a few things. My screen was not nearly as sharp and bright as it had been. Almost as though there was a film left on the glass. I also noticed when the screen was off I could see a "grid" behind the glass that was never there before. Lastly, the 4 buttons along the bottom of the phone would now light up pink instead of red. Since he had already owned up to the scratch and offered to replace the glass again, I agreed in the hopes that I had just gotten a defective screen. The man I dealt with was professional, apologetic and assured me he would call as soon as he received the new glass. I made sure to mention that I wanted OEM glass, as I had done before the first repair, and again he assured me it would be.
After 2 weeks of not hearing from them I returned for a status on the new screen. Turns out they had it but Id never received a call. This time I dealt with a woman who took the phone and asked me to return in about 40 mins. After about 90 mins the phone was ready but now the screen was slightly skewed (imagine a photo sitting crooked in a frame). I showed this to her but she refused to acknowledge there was anything wrong...going so far as to say that what I was complaining about was impossible. I kept trying to show her but she wasnt interested in taking a closer look. I then asked her directly if she could see what I was talking about and she said no. She simply was not going to admit to another mistake. Her only defense was to say repeatedly that the repair had been done twice and that what I was complaining about couldnt possibly happen due to how the screen gets installed. Except it did happen. I could see the situation going nowhere so I left.
Once I got home and had a chance to closely examine the work I found additional issues. The bottom of the screen all the way across is actually brighter than the rest. Especially obvious in photos or whenever colors at the bottom of the screen run upwards. Also, there is a black substance visible behind the glass just protruding onto the bottom of the viewable screen...maybe some type of adhesive. Lastly there is damage to the bottom bezel of the phone where Im assuming a pry tool was used.

In the interest of fairness Im giving a second star solely for the professionalism shown by the man I dealt with on the first visit. He was courteous and did own up to the scratch instead of saying nothing and hoping I would walk out without noticing it. Unfortunately for me, he did not assist me on the second visit and for what I paid, the quality of work and overall experience was not on par with some of the other reviews Ive read. Bottom line is they can likely replace the screen on any device that has one but be warned....dont be surprised if there are additional "costs" beyond what you paid for the repair. Businesses specializing in these types of repairs are everywhere now. Find another.
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