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Slope Park

Overall Rating 4
Total votes: 3
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6th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6613012°
Longitude: -73.9894307°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-639-9675

Map of the Slope Park in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Slope Park

Reviewed April 8, 2015 00:47
Review rating 4
- Very Good #20706
Amazing Slope Park amenities as boasts benches, a comfort station, a flagpole with yardarm, play equipment, spray showers, swings for tots and children, a drinking fountain, basketball courts and games tables. I enjoyed all these facilities
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Reviewed June 4, 2014 12:44
Review rating 3
- Average #20704
Slope Park gets mixed reviews from me. I'll start with the bad news and end with the good:

The Bad:
1) The gates are constantly left open! So many people are coming in and going out, and they often don't shut it behind them. The street is right there, so for toddlers and really little kids, this is a huge safety concern. You have to keep an eagle eye on your tot, which basically means you can't relax & chit chat w/your attention always elsewhere.

2) There is a drop in the middle of the play structure. It's only about a 2-3 foot drop, but for babies learning to walk, or a kid not paying attention, this could be potential injury risk.

3) In the afternoon there are TONS of teenagers, who don't give a **** about your kid. They chase each other, use profanity, hog the swings- even the BABY swings. Enough said.

The good:

1) Location. It's right near SouthSide coffee & nestled between a couple local schools, so it's convenient & you can get your caffeine buzz on before or after.

2) Novelty. It's new, so it has some unique & colorful equipment. There's a nice water play feature, as well.

3) Shade & Seating. For parents & caregivers, there's ample shady spots to sit... Unless you are the aforementioned toddler parent, in which case you are chasing after them, or standing guard at the gate.

4) Enclosed "nature area." And by "nature area," I mean mulched ground with bushes and trees to climb on and hide behind. It's cool because, as I said, it's enclosed, so the kids climb over the inner fence, but then don't have access to the outside. They are contained, it's very shaded, and I think they feel a sense of peace & privacy there among the foliage with their friends.
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Reviewed September 2, 2013 17:48
Review rating 5
- Excellent #20705
excellent new playground with bathrooms and fountains.
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