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Park Slope Dermatology & Medi Spa

Overall Rating 4.5
Total votes: 13
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Opening hours

Monday: 0:00 pm - 7:00 pm; Tuesday: 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm; Wednesday: 0:00 pm - 7:00 pm; Thursday: 0:00 pm - 7:00 pm; Friday: 0:00 pm - 7:00 pm; Saturday: 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm; Sunday: Closed;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Park Slope Dermatology & Medi Spa in New York is -5 hours

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456A 9th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.666454°
Longitude: -73.981272°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-965-1116

Map of the Park Slope Dermatology & Medi Spa in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Park Slope Dermatology & Medi Spa

Reviewed December 26, 2015 17:40
Review rating 5
- Excellent #24497
I received two fraxel facial treatments from Dr. Holder and her staff - great service and a great experience. I highly recommend this treatment and Dr. Holder and her team. Thanks again!
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Reviewed June 13, 2015 18:58
Review rating 5
- Excellent #24498
hello am Robert valentine A USA Merchant Marine for 30yrs of my life, some time ago I got this skin
infection on my knee ,its was small at first then it turn red ,in a few day it spread to my other knee cap,,i when to see a doctor and he said it was nothing this cream will do the job I spend $ 150.00 for it, and nothing it got worst, it was getting swollen allot it got so bad I was not happy at all that o could not were short pant at all everyone so saw it will look at me, like what's that ? so I stating looking for some help, and I meet this person who said go see a dermatology if they can not help you no one can " as so I when to my computer I so this lady dermatology and I like what said she so I when to see her as soon I can ,when I got there wow " awesome place " there was two lady there, one that help you with any problem you and answer any question you may Have . as she call my Name and listen to what she had to say about my Knee and what I had blow me away 'right on point, i was lucky that this in fection it not got to my face or others parts of the Body " she told me why it was inflammation and the swelling and why it turn red ,this Lady is awesome" will she gave me some cream like three different kind of Cream and in two weeks I saw how it saw going away " is one month now and it is almost Gone " I can not stop thanking her enough for her work "if there any one who has this in any part of they Body please go see her " and tell me if I saw wrong about her ,may God her Hands, and let her touch n every one heart with her work , the pharmacy she send you too is this guy name Carlos on 189 7th ave the best there is a 100 % good what ever she ask of him you will get in the amount she list it ,and every thing he give you is 100 % good and real stuff,he is not there to sell you what he think ,but more like what you need.

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Reviewed January 17, 2015 21:24
Review rating 5
- Excellent #24499
This doctor is absolutely the best!!!!!!!! I suffered from acne scarring and hyper-pigmentation for years,and had the fraxel laser done. I was completely blown away by the Amazing results. For those of you who don't know what fraxel is, it's what keeps Kim Kardashian and Beyonce Knowles skin baby soft, smooth, clean and clear, and the best thing is, it's right in Brooklyn at a great price!!!!!!!! Anyone who wants to rejuvenate their skin, get rid of acne/scarring, smooth wrinkles, reduce rough textures and large pores, Fraxel is definitely for You!!!!!!!!!! With fraxel, there is no recovery time needed , no pain felt,and Dr. Holder arms you with the best products to maintain that youthful glow. You can actually get Fraxel done and go to a function without being in pain or discomfort. Goodbye acne, Hello Fraxel!!!!!!!
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Reviewed May 2, 2014 11:09
Review rating 5
- Excellent #24501
The doctor is so nice and the results are FANTASTIC! I got botox in my armpits (which is really hard to find someone who does this). The doctor explained everything to me beforehand, and numbed the area beforehand, which helped so much. I felt nothing during the procedure and it lasted for 7 months!!!! Love her and I'm going back very soon.
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Reviewed November 21, 2013 02:02
Review rating 5
- Excellent #24500
Let me tell my story from the beginning. When I was a little girl, only 6 years
old I fell off of a donkey and he stepped on my face. My negligent mother chose
not to take me to a hospital and my wound had to heal on it's own with no
medical attention. This of course left a horrible scar on my face which left me
very depressed. Later on in life I tried to fix my scar with plastic surgery. I
went to a prominent teaching hospital in Brooklyn where a student botched my
surgery and made my scar so much worse. It became much bigger and was much more
noticeable. After this I continued to try and fix my scar with several Plastic
Surgeons but to no avail. After realizing I had spent over $150,000.00 on
plastic surgery over the years for no noticeable difference I fell into a deep
depression. I wouldn't even leave the house. I left everything like grocery
shopping to my Husband and Son. When I absolutely had to go out I would use a
heavy compound makeup to try and cover up my scar. Sometimes if it was very
humid the makeup would crack and all I could do was stay home and cry. As my son
got older and I could no longer hide that I was depressed from him, he took it
upon himself to find someone who could help me. He found Dr. Brigitte Holder, a
Dermatologist who would change my life. When I first met Dr. Holder we did some
treatments that improved the condition of my skin and did make my scar look less
noticeable, but she told me about a Fraxel Laser that she was getting with me in
mind that would help me with my scar. After several Fraxel treatments my scar is
no longer noticeable. I haven't even gone to my country of the Dominican
Republic in 15 years because I was so depressed and embarrassed about my scar,
but that is no longer the case. My life has done a complete 180! I am no longer
the same person, I am happy and will use anything as an excuse to go out,
without spending 2 hours putting on compound makeup. I get ready to go out so
fast now I leave everyone in shock. I tend to cry when I'm in Dr. Holder's
office but they are tears of joy. I am finally able after all these decades to
close the "Scar Chapter" of my life and I have Dr. Holder to thank for that.
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