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Atria Tanglewood

Overall Rating 4.8
Total votes: 20
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125 Ocean Ave, Lynbrook, NY 11563, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6633277°
Longitude: -73.6587031°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-858-2665

Map of the Atria Tanglewood in Lynbrook City

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Reviews to Atria Tanglewood

Reviewed October 24, 2014 20:12
Review rating 5
- Excellent #99304
Great place for my Mom who is 68 and very active. Staff is excellent especially Lorissa. Really ensures my Mom is comfortable and happy.
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Reviewed February 23, 2014 20:10
Review rating 5
- Excellent #99303
If you want to meet people who love what they do for a living...go spend some time talking to the folks who work at Atria Tanglewood. People like Doris and Larissa make the residents in Tanglewood feel safe and secure and deeply cared for. We couldn't be happier to have our Mom in Tanglewood...it gives us great comfort and confidence that she is so well cared for. Plus the place is gorgeous. If I were old enough, I'd live there!
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Reviewed February 18, 2014 13:56
Review rating 5
- Excellent #99305
Incredible staff. Not only did my Mom have a great experience at the Atria, the staff goes above and beyond to make the entire family's experience exceptional. We got so much individual attention it felt like we were their most important client. They treated our mother as if she was their mother. Atria Tanglewood is really an amazing place.
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Reviewed February 16, 2014 21:51
Review rating 5
- Excellent #99301
I interned and worked at the Atria Tanglewood and I loved it there. Atria Tanglewood was my home away from home. I never wanted to leave. The people that worked there and the residents all were so friendly, happy and fun! I had no problem getting up and going to work and for me, that is the biggest thing in life. There was never a dull moment at my time at the Atria. I had an experience that I will never forget there. I made so many relationships with all of the good people that are there and remain in contact with a few of my ex employees who I can say are now my friends. It is hard to stop talking to people that you click so well with. Larissa gave me a lot of inspiration, she always gave me the confidence and the motivation to do better and to never give up. And by watching her work with the residents and families and employees, she changed the way I interact with people as well. She always had a smile and was always positive no matter what the situation.
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Reviewed February 11, 2014 19:29
Review rating 5
- Excellent #99302
The exceptional staff of the Atria Tanglewood have earned my admiration and respect from day one. Their welcoming attitude toward my mom and all of her gifts and talents was so very refreshing. From Ellie's calls to get us set up for tours and information, to Theresa's care and concern, Scott's involvement in all of the transition efforts to Larissa's herculean efforts. I can't say enough about all of the wonderful folks. They love their jobs and their goodness makes them shine.
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