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Advanced Medical Care: Elias Sameh MD

Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 1
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1610 Summit Ave, Union City, NJ 07087, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7642561°
Longitude: -74.039518°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-863-5696

Map of the Advanced Medical Care: Elias Sameh MD in Union City

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Reviews to Advanced Medical Care: Elias Sameh MD

Reviewed August 30, 2010 21:50
Review rating 2
- Poor #56401
No matter which office you choose to go to Union City or Jersey City you are going to wait. I always waited at over 45 minutes to see him EXCEPT once...see my 20mth old was with me. My son was playing a game on my IPhone and laughing. Dr.Elias was kind enough to bring me right in and when my son got bored and wanted out of his stroller - Dr.Elias hurried through my visit and ended it by saying "He hates the sound of children in the office"! He as a doctor is an "okay" PCP. Don't expect him to send you for blood work on your initial visit.
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