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South Shore Healthcare

Overall Rating 4.33
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275 W Merrick Rd, Freeport, NY 11520, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6518897°
Longitude: -73.5919983°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-623-4000

Map of the South Shore Healthcare in Freeport City

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Reviews to South Shore Healthcare

Reviewed October 4, 2016 10:27
Review rating 5
- Excellent #242591
THIS REVIEW IS ABOUT THE LACK OF SERVICE AT MEADOW BROOK CARE CENTER WHERE THEY KILLED MY MOM. YOUR PLACE IS EXCELLENT FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS HAVE TOLD ME: On Monday the 12th exactly one month that my mother died exactly what it was in the letter except the pictures that emailed to her with the letter. I asked her in front of the staff that was there: Did you see the pictures from the day, two days before my mother passed away and she replied yes! Then I asked her Did you see the pictures of her legs at the South Nassau Hospital that were attached all together and she said to me…..NO!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe that she being the “Administrator” gave me that kind of answer like she is dead now so for us in no more business anymore.

As she led me to the exit; she told me: Well your Mom was How Old…..? 82 I said; so she said to me like if she were God, well at least be thankful that you had her for so many years!!!!!!! FOR GOD SAKE IT WASN’T A DOG FROM THE STREETS THAT JUST DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was just like saying “NEXT”. To me. All I ask you Jonathan is that you yourself put your hands on it and do your own investigation because I know that you will take this seriously as I am. It happened that the General Supervisor passed by when I was sitting in that little office that I had already told her about it and I had two meetings with her; second one I was waiting for her call but she never called; so I said to the Administrator I don’t know her name but she is the General Supervisor and 5 minutes later she happens to walk by and I told Grant there she is; The Administrator saw her and then turned her face to me and made that expression like I don’t care and of course the General Supervisor being afraid to lose her job didn’t even stop to say hello.

Scott; Jordan and Erick a couple of times while I was in therapy told me…Vick in around 26 years something since this business has been opened nobody has ever being here no more than a week. You are the first person ever in 26 years to do that. Well I said I just looked for my mother’s health and mine and as a Citizen of this Great Country I have my rights as well and I fought for it with physical evidences and I won as simple as that like when you saw me back for the second time and another more month for therapy.

I think you should ask the Administrator to forward that complete email to you; if not may I ask to have your business email or is that illegal for a Customer now to ask for it? I have this doubt about the dream that I had for three days of a nurse, oxygen and a doctor’s answer and I still wear the plastic bracelet on my left hand with my name and room and section number that I will wear until I find out the real truth.
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Reviewed May 21, 2015 10:19
Review rating 5
- Excellent #242592
Muy bueno
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