Governor Announces Emergency Rule Lowering the Lead Poisoning Threshold
EMSL Analytical provides environmental, material, and industrial hygiene testing services, sampling supplies, and test kits to identify lead hazards from air, soil, paint, dust, water, and other types of samples to protect children, families, and workers.
Cinnaminson, New Jersey, March 20, 2025
Earlier this year, Governor Tony Evers of Wisconsin approved a new emergency rule to combat lead poisoning statewide. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) emergency rule lowers the lead poisoning threshold to 3.5 µg/dL. By lowering the lead poisoning threshold, more children and families are eligible for lead poisoning and intervention resources. Lead poisoning is considered to be an entirely preventable environmental disease, but even with this knowledge, there are many.......[Read More]
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Governor Announces Emergency Rule Lowering the Lead Poisoning Threshold
EMSL Analytical provides environmental, material, and industrial hygiene testing services, sampling supplies, and test kits to identify lead hazards from air, soil, paint, dust, water, and other types of samples to protect children, families, and workers.
Cinnaminson, New Jersey, March 20, 2025
Earlier this year, Governor Tony Evers of Wisconsin approved a new emergency rule to combat lead poisoning statewide. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) emergency rule lowers the lead poisoning threshold to 3.5 µg/dL. By lowering the lead poisoning threshold, more children and families are eligible for lead poisoning and intervention resources. Lead poisoning is considered to be an entirely preventable environmental disease, but even with this knowledge, there are many.......[Read More]
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Vermont Department of Health Issues Health Advisory for Legionnaires’ Disease
EMSL Analytical offers rapid PCR and traditional culturing methods to analyze environmental samples for Legionella, the microbial pathogen that causes Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever.
Cinnaminson, New Jersey, March 18, 2025
The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) issued a Health Advisory earlier this year to health care providers after an outbreak of six cases of Legionnaires’ disease was detected in Windsor County. The cases were associated with an independent and assisted living apartment complex. According to the VDH advisory:
Legionella can be found in natural, freshwater environments, but generally is not present in sufficient numbers to cause disease. In human-made water systems that are not properly.......[Read More]
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School District Takes Action after Elevated Radon Levels Detected
EMSL Analytical offers radon testing services and easy-to-use test kits to identify and mitigate exposure risks as recommended by both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Surgeon General.
Cinnaminson, New Jersey, March 14, 2025
The Boise School District recently announced that as part of a proactive effort to test for radon in their facilities, elevated levels were detected in parts of North Junior High School over the winter break. According to the District:
The testing identified elevated radon levels in three classrooms located in the cafeteria basement, where levels exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommended action level of 4 pCi/L, ranging from 1.9 pCi/L to 5.6 pCi/L. The.......[Read More]
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Updates to the New York Lead Rental Registry and Testing Resources
EMSL Analytical provides environmental, material, and industrial hygiene testing services, sampling supplies, test kits, and personal protective equipment to detect and mitigate exposure risks to lead and other hazardous substances.
New York City, New York, March 12, 2025 Recently, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) provided updates to its Lead Rental Registry. The information provided was in preparation for November 2025, which is when the regulations are expected to take effect. The program is designed to support homeowners, tenants, and public housing residents. It will require property owners, health departments, and local governments in communities of concern to work together to identify housing-related lead hazards and remove the sources of.......[Read More]
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Alleged Asbestos Violations Result in MassDEP Fining a Local Demolition Company
EMSL Analytical offers laboratory testing services, sampling supplies, test kits, air monitoring instruments, and personal protective equipment to protect workers and the public, and to help companies comply with current health and safety regulations.
Boston, Massachusetts, March 10, 2025 The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) recently announced it had assessed a fine of over $19,000 to a construction and demolition company for alleged asbestos violations. The agency reports it discovered the violations during an inspection of asbestos abatement activities at a former shopping mall. According to MassDEP, the company failed to ensure that appropriate asbestos work practices and controls were implemented during its asbestos abatement activities. The.......[Read More]
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Short-Term Residential Rental Property Turned into a Toxic Meth Lab
EMSL Analytical provides laboratory testing services, sampling supplies, test kits, and personal protective equipment to identify and mitigate exposure risks to dangerous chemicals left behind by the illegal production of methamphetamine.
Cinnaminson, New Jersey, March 5, 2025 Several news outlets recently reported on a family from Nebraska that rented out their home for a little over a week as they traveled out of state. While the family was away, the short-term renters turned the home into a meth lab, creating a vast amount of illicit drugs that were eventually seized by law enforcement. Unfortunately for the family that owns the property, many of the chemicals used in the production of methamphetamine are highly toxic and even explosive. The National Drug.......[Read More]
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