We’ve learned how to face hard things
Five years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bishop Hughes reflects on the challenges we overcame together, and how that experience prepared us for the new challenges we face today. (Time: 5:00.)

Feature Stories
Lenten Events
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and concludes on Holy Saturday, April 19 (the day before Easter Sunday).
Our parishes are offering a wide variety of Lenten Events, from Stations of the Cross, to retreats, book groups, organ recitals and Evensongs, both in-person and online.
Upcoming Lenten events
Photo: Ashes to Go in Hoboken, courtesy All Saints’, Hoboken.

Other Upcoming Events
150th Anniversary Events
Memorials & Thanksgivings
Memorializing the names of those we lost during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic (whether of COVID-19 or not), giving thanks for all those who dedicated their time and talent to serve and support others during that extremely challenging time.

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Clergy Openings
Learn about the Clergy Transition process in the Diocese of Newark and explore current openings in our parishes.
Other Job Listings
Employment opportunities in the Diocese of Newark for lay people and non-parochial clergy.