Honestly, the WS does not need any reviews. It has made a name for itself!!! My children went there at least 11 years ago for my youngest and 13 for my oldest. Now my nieces attend there.
The staff is so loving and caring. From the moment I walked in I felt that this was the place for my children. They were also well taken care of LOVED!!! THE WOODEN SHOE is a second family to all the children who are fortunate enough to attend there. My son opened the infant room because at the time there were no accommodations for newborns. They opened it just for him so that his older brother could stay and I wouldn't have to pull the children out.
They learned so much! because besides just being a great loving and nurturing place, the WS makes sure that academics are also an integral part of each child. The children are well prepared when they leave nursery school to attend elementary school.
To this day, I love visiting the school and all their wonderful staff members!! We have built a great relationship!!! A great experience for my children!!!