VERY DANGEROUS!!!!! BE CAREFUL OR DONT GO. OUT OF CONTROL KIDS HIT my mother AND girlfriend from behind in SEPARATE incidents, GIRLFRIEND CRACKED BONE IN HER WRIST, in serous pain, and will be for weeks. Both women knocked off their feet from behind by out of control kids. Both fell hard on ice, could have been very badly hurt. In process kid took out two other unrelated women. Ruined our upcoming vacation. TWO SEPARATE KIDS HITTING TWO DIFFERENT WOMEN WITHIN A FEW MINUTES!!??? AND STAFF WERE NOT ON THE ICE SUPERVISING.
This place needs at least two staff on ice PAYING ATTENTION AND DOING SOMETHING ABOUT OUT OF CONTROL PEOPLE, and a padded gate to protect people waiting to get off the ice from people hitting them.
In response staff offered free tickets to come back again. Who in my party would want to return to be injured again?