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Weill Cornell Medical Sunrise Medical Group

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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535 Clinton Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6822°
Longitude: -73.9666285°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 646-962-9200

Map of the Weill Cornell Medical Sunrise Medical Group in Kings County City

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Reviews to Weill Cornell Medical Sunrise Medical Group

Reviewed June 7, 2016 01:59
Review rating 1
- Terrible #170790
I visited this office once in order to receive an annual physical, for which my insurance has no copay. As a result of asking a question about fatigue and how to improve my energy level, I was billed a $20 copay for an illness/injury visit. At no point prior to or during the appointment was I advised that what I said to the doctor could be used as grounds for additional charges, nor was I given the opportunity to decline his advice which, according to their billing department, was "beyond the scope" of an annual physical. After about two weeks of trying to reach this billing department to ask that they resubmit the claim (no one who answered the phone ever identified themselves and typically adopted an attitude of righteous impatience when you asked them anything at all), they informed me they had consulted the doctor and determined there was no reason to do so.

(Additionally, they performed a triglycerides blood test on me without having told me to fast, which, when the results were predictably high, they tried to make me retake (again without telling me to fast), despite the utter improbability a man of my age and health would have high triglycerides.)
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