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Weehawken Municipal Court

Overall Rating 1.3
Total votes: 3
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2nd Floor, 400 Park Ave, Weehawken, NJ 07086, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7676579°
Longitude: -74.0231705°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-319-6033

Map of the Weehawken Municipal Court in Weehawken City

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Reviews to Weehawken Municipal Court

Reviewed February 27, 2013 17:15
Review rating 2
- Poor #63227
I was given a reckless driving and failing to show insurance ID ticket at the approach to the Lincoln Tunnel.
This court does appear to operate as an ATM for the town of Weehawken.
The insurance ID ticket was dismissed but I was still liable for court costs of $33.
The reckless driving was $106 and 2 points. I'd considered getting a lawyer but the decision not to do seems to have been justified by the fact that the prosecutor told me the points don't transfer to NY. In which case just swallowing the fine was cheaper than getting a lawyer and still swallowing the fine.
Expect to spend at least a couple of hours there.
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Reviewed May 24, 2011 14:06
Review rating 1
- Terrible #63229
thsi palce sucks!
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Reviewed November 25, 2010 01:04
Review rating 1
- Terrible #63228
Who ever wants to go to a court house, dear god
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