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Upper Mountain Lawn Services LLC

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 4
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9 Laurel Pl, Montclair, NJ 07043, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.8490715°
Longitude: -74.2047991°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 973-509-2505

Map of the Upper Mountain Lawn Services LLC in Montclair City

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Reviews to Upper Mountain Lawn Services LLC

Reviewed July 26, 2011 13:26
Review rating 5
- Excellent #28097
I called at 9am, by 12noon I had gotten an reasonable estimate and beautiful cut with impeccable trimming and clean up. Use this service with confidence. I was not home to pay or give billing information and Diane in the office was most gracious. My partner is very fussy and when she endorses a service, know that it is beyond good.
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Reviewed April 4, 2011 21:48
Review rating 1
- Terrible #28098
Very disappointed with this company. Service was erratic and estimates often took months to receive. The two estimates we eventually received were probably the most unprofessional I have ever seen. I did not expect them to spend hours in preparation but "plantings: $3,000-$5,000" and a request for a signature was a wee bit vague. Do people really sign off these? The other estimate was much the same. Shortly thereafter I was alarmed to see huge weeds all over the front lawn and immediately contacted the owners. My calls and e-mails were not returned as the weeds grew progressively worse and eventually over-ran the lawn. My lawn now needs to be completely redone. I was paying them over $400.00 a month for sub-par service and very poor customer service. Please learn from my mistake and seek service else-where.
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Reviewed February 26, 2009 15:58
Review rating 5
- Excellent #28096
After reading the other review posted, I felt that I had to say something. This company has been nothing but great. When they were doing construction on our property they came across an unknown oil tank and immediately contacted us. Because of their quick actions we were able to remove the tank with minimal problems (ie; no ruptures or damage to the tank from machinery). In addition, our landscape was designed with natural stone and mostly native planting. The company continues maintain our property in a very professional manner and whenever we have a problem they address it immediately. Kudos guys!
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Reviewed December 31, 2008 19:09
Review rating 1
- Terrible #28099
Awful experience with these guys. Destroyed my personal property without offering to replace it, when I was late on the last payment (thought I had made it) they very quickly sent it to a claims company which has not stopped harassing me for over 12 months after I corrected the payment mistake and made full payment to Upper Mountain (the claims company feels entitled to their fee of course). Worst experience in my life. The Black Plague is a blessing compared to these guys!
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