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Universal Enlightenment Temple

Overall Rating 5
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519 53rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11220, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6431873°
Longitude: -74.0115022°

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Reviews to Universal Enlightenment Temple

Reviewed September 22, 2015 18:40
Review rating 5
- Excellent #114861
This new temple (Pujue si in Mandarin, Universal Enlightenment Temple in English) in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn is a breath of fresh air: clean, tastefully furnished with a blend of new & old, & completely devoid of any commercialism. With simplicity & understated elegance, it reflects the vision of its leader, a nun from China, schooled in Chinese Huayan (Flower Garland) & Jingtu (Pure Land) Buddhism at the renowned old-school complex at Mount Wutai, where austerity is a way of life. Although services are conducted in only Mandarin Chinese, the attendant nun also speaks English & welcomes non-Chinese who wish to visit, meditate, or practice in this quiet oasis. She exudes an optimistic spirit of service in welcoming visitors to this temple. Whether Chinese or not, Buddhist of any school, or non-Buddhist - all are welcome. Unlike in many temples, nothing is for sale, & donations are not never expected.

As in traditional Chinese Buddhist temple architecture, there is a guarded "mountain gate", a welcoming vestibule entrance hall, a big Buddha sanctuary, & shrines to compassionate Guanyin, the Healing Buddha, & the Savior of the Dead. The notable statuary includes 2 wooden doorguards (the only doorguards in any NYC temple), a bronze seated 11-faced 1000-armed Guanyin, a pair of cast iron lions, a large seated wooden "Happy Buddha" of the Future (Mile), a wooden seated 7-faced 1000-armed Guanyin, an imposing wooden Guanyin seated in royal ease, a pure white standing Dizangwang, a seated Healing Buddha, & a large seated Amitabha Buddha. Amid carved wooden & lacquer panels, traditional Chinese wooden furniture, & a soaring 6-panel wooden screen carved with 18 luohan, 8 Immortals, flowers, & auspicious inscriptions, the temple is always decorated with fresh flowers, bamboo, & fruit. This is an oasis of peace & serenity.

Regular services are held at 4 pm daily & 10 am on Sunday. For anyone interested in chanting & religious singing in other cultures, a visit to a service at this temple is recommended.

For the spirit, the eyes, or the ears, this is a unique local gem not to be missed.
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