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Sunshine Nursery & Day Care Center

Overall Rating 4.2
Total votes: 7
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Opening hours

Monday: 07:00 am - 6:00 pm; Tuesday: 07:00 am - 6:00 pm; Wednesday: 07:00 am - 6:00 pm; Thursday: 07:00 am - 6:00 pm; Friday: 07:00 am - 6:00 pm; Saturday: Closed; Sunday: Closed;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Sunshine Nursery & Day Care Center in New York is -5 hours

Place categories and types


576 Gates Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11221, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6870435°
Longitude: -73.9422909°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-452-9740

Map of the Sunshine Nursery & Day Care Center in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Sunshine Nursery & Day Care Center

Reviewed February 20, 2016 00:36
Review rating 1
- Terrible #41928
Don't put your kids here, they will smile and laugh with you at the front desk. But the teachers in the back are not up to par!! They hit my daughter and put marks on her and cant tell me what happened!! My daughter only been in this school for 4 days and I'm very disappointed. They hit kids!!!
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Reviewed January 25, 2016 11:56
Review rating 5
- Excellent #41930
My daughter goes there. I absolutely love this school.
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Reviewed October 9, 2015 16:29
Review rating 5
- Excellent #41929
Sunshine daycare is one of the far most amazing places to bring your child my son Went here from the time he was 1 years old until he couldn't go any more I wish he could still attend. But I will be allowing my daughter to go here whom I will be giving birth to any day I love this daycare and you would too ...
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Reviewed May 15, 2012 14:28
Review rating 5
- Excellent #41931
This school is great. I highly recommend it. It is curriculum-based and they have dance, martial arts, intro to piano and intro to violin. I'm amazed at how much my son learns everyday. At one time, both my daughter and son were going there. I took my daughter out (at age 4) because she got a seat at a very competitive public school for their pre-K program. I then realized that she was re-doing everything that she did at Sunshine when she was 2 years old.
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Reviewed September 25, 2007 23:03
Review rating 1
- Terrible #41932
My son was attending Sunshine Nursery for about a year. About a month ago I started noticing that in the mornings when it was time to go to daycare he would start crying. Naturally I thought it was because he was tired but then I noticed evrytime a staff member approached him he would start crying. About 2 weeks ago I dropped him off at the daycare center, he started screaming and crying uncontrollably as a staff member aprroached him! He kept yelling Im scared . Later that day I asked him why was he scared he told me that the teachers and staff member were hitting him. When I approached the director, teachers and staff members all they could say was that my 3 year old boy was lying and manipulating his way out of going to school. Theres no way a 3 yr old boy could fake those emotions. As a mother I believe my son and Im not willing to take a risk with these people. My sons mental and physical health is my prioprity The Staff members and teachers hit the children especially children who are not able to speak clearly. Unfortunately my 3 yr old boy was a victim of their ignorance, lack of humanity and patience!!!!!!
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