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St. Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center

Overall Rating 4.6
Total votes: 47
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130 Liberty St, New York, NY 10006, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7101311°
Longitude: -74.0132095°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-774-0227

Map of the St. Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center in New York City

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Reviews to St. Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center

Reviewed August 20, 2016 15:14
Review rating 5
- Excellent #113698
God Bless Orthodoxy
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Reviewed June 29, 2016 02:21
Review rating 5
- Excellent #113697
Long over due!! The focal point of Liberty Park.
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Reviewed June 22, 2016 05:58
Review rating 5
- Excellent #113694
The shrine is there because it was on that block before the World Trade Center was even built ... and, rebuilding it there was part of the deal that deeded this block to the WTC for a new Vehicle Security Center building. A park, including the shrine, will cover the roof of the VSC.
Without the WTC gaining the land in this way, vehicles could never feasibly access or service the new WTC buildings at all, since half the WTC's pre-existing land is now devoted to the National 9/11 Memorial. The VSC building will also accommodate tour buses attracted by the new Memorial. So, in a way, the Greek shrine has donated land to the WTC rather than vice versa. More accurately, it's a win-win.
The old church shrine was very plain outside; the new one is a simple yet lofty work of Santiago Calatrava's architecture. Like Notre Dame in Paris, it will be open to the public (primarily for tourists, but also with public program space) in addition to serving its congregation. The "cathedral," as their church calls it, is a "national" shrine only in that it is the seat of their ranking American bishop; it has no connection to the government. Its exterior lacks dominating Christian symbols or art; it just adds beauty.
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Reviewed June 18, 2016 21:36
Review rating 1
- Terrible #113695
Why is there a Christian shrine at the World Trade Center?
Why is it called a national shrine?
The USA is not a Christian nation.
Is there also a Muslim shrine, a Hindu shrine, an Atheist shrine, etc?
People of many religious beliefs died in the attacks on 9/11/2001.
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Reviewed May 23, 2016 20:49
Review rating 5
- Excellent #113696
Beautiful design...both a womb for rebirth, and the Resurrection of life. May this brilliant Church stand for reflection and growth until The Lord returns.
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