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St. John Chrysostom Church

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 1
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70-29 45th Ave, Woodside, NY 11377, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7405862°
Longitude: -73.893662°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-507-4107
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Reviews to St. John Chrysostom Church

Reviewed December 1, 2014 04:13
Review rating 5
- Excellent #55796
This church is small and modest in size, but the congregation is overflowing with genuine Christian spirit, generosity, and love. Traditional iconography graces the interior and the light from the skylights on the carved wood icon screen can seem divine at times. The icons lift the mind and soul to contemplation and prayer, and comfort the spirit.
Parishioners come from a wide array of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and yet there is no pushing of one "way" or "style" of orthodoxy over another, as is found in some ethnic parishes.
Services are almost completely in English, though Father throws in bits of Greek and Russian to make sure everyone feels at home.
The style of the service is what I call "AmeRussian". It's an American parish, but the musical tones and liturgics are Russian in origin. The choir sings a cappella, and they do a beautiful job under expert direction. The words of the hymns are understandable, making the service meaningful and books unnecessary. Services move along at what I consider "the pace of thought", meaning, quickly enough so that you don't get bored and distracted, but not so rushed that you can't absorb the meaning of the texts.
Father Daniel gives edifying and uplifting sermons rooted firmly in the patristic and scriptural tradition of the Church, in the context of Christ's love and discipline. His teachings provide real "meat and potatoes" spiritual direction and insight - the kind of stuff you can apply directly and immediately to your own life situation. Of course, that can be challenging stuff to hear, but we go to Church to grow, right? Of course, authentic comfort and encouragement abound as well in his teaching.
The parish has a small hall and kitchen next door, and term "coffee hour" does not do justice to the delicious agape meals offered during fellowship time after Sunday service (Divine Liturgy).
The church is kept in immaculate condition, and good order is maintained in the context of Christian love and understanding. Families with children are completely welcome. Adherence to common sense rules of decorum in a house of worship are expected based on ability and age - no more, no less. People at this parish just love each other and take care of each other. It's a true faith family - the real deal. That's the most important thing I can say. I love this church, and am proud to call it my home parish. Please join us for prayer, or even simply to experience the multi-sensory beauty of an Orthodox service. It's a true feast for the eyes, ears, nose, (incense) mind, heart and soul. Liturgy (Orthodox "Mass") is served at 10 AM on Sundays, and Vespers (the evening service) is at 7 PM on most Saturday nights. We would love to see you there!
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