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Soyong Chung Law Office

Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 1
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378 Bergen Blvd # 2, Fairview, NJ 07022, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.822178°
Longitude: -73.998521°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-840-8133

Map of the Soyong Chung Law Office in Fairview City

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Reviews to Soyong Chung Law Office

Reviewed February 25, 2013 17:04
Review rating 2
- Poor #110395
I just called this office to open a case, and the lady that picked up the phone was absolutely rude. I was told that she couldn't "talk to (me) right now". I figured the office is short-staffed, and perhaps I can leave my name and number in order for her to return my phone call. The lady responded by saying "No thank you". I am floored by how rude some people are. It's their loss because I have a really good case, and both my lawyers are out of the country. I was willing to pay cash for this whole transaction.
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