Having been involved with Sikh Coalition for a while now I believe this is one of the best organizations working towards realization of civil and human rights for all people.
The Sikh Coalition was born in the aftermath of bigotry, violence and discrimination against the city's Sikh population following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We began as a volunteer effort on the night of September 11, 2001, when an elderly Sikh and two teenagers were violently attacked in Richmond Hill, Queens in "reprisal" attacks by fellow Americans. The group that became the Sikh Coalition issued a press release the next day under the organizational title "Coalition of Sikh Organizations of New York" condemning the terrorist attacks and calling on police to better protect our neighborhoods.
The coalition aims at -
*Providing direct legal services to persons whose civil or human rights are violated
*Advocating for law and policies that are respectful of fundamental rights
*Promoting appreciation for diversity through education
Guys you are doing a great job , keep on doing the good work.