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Shops At Lincoln Harbor

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 1
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1000 Harbor Blvd, Weehawken, NJ 07086, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7595997°
Longitude: -74.0235687°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-348-3703

Map of the Shops At Lincoln Harbor in Weehawken City

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Reviews to Shops At Lincoln Harbor

Reviewed December 30, 2015 19:01
Review rating 3
- Average #63305
In Weehawken, NJ on vacation and I was out one morning looking for somewhere to get breakfast. I stop a kind gentlemen and he informed me about the Shops at Lincoln Harbor. There are not many shops here, but it satisfied my need for food. They have a pretty good size food court but few restaurants. My favorite restaurant was the Mediterranean Grill. I don't know what kind of seasonings were used on the chicken tenders, but I could devour it. These were the best chicken tenders I ever had and the plate is humongous. There is a Subway, a pizza spot and another restaurant but I don't remember the name. Also, a small CVS, shoe repair, another sandwich/breakfast restaurant and a convenience type store were located on the premises. The two big well known restaurants at Shops at Lincoln Harbor are Houlhan's and Ruth Chris Steakhouse. It is a nice and convenient shopping area across the street from the Sheraton hotel.
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