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Sea View Hospital Rehab Center and Home

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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460 Brielle Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.5904525°
Longitude: -74.1323438°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-317-3000

Map of the Sea View Hospital Rehab Center and Home in Staten Island City

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Reviews to Sea View Hospital Rehab Center and Home

Reviewed February 15, 2016 21:00
Review rating 1
- Terrible #5226
BEWARE!!!! This place is the worst!!! They rank #1 by the state for cleanliness and low flu rate, but the medical care is horrible. My husband went there with a brain injury and was left to lie in bed or in a chair, getting all spastic and contracted until his hands and feet were turned in. The occupational therapist said he didn't need his hand and arm braces on overnight, when the orders from the hospital OT was to have them on for 3 hours and off for an hour. This led to his arms getting spastic and the tendons in his wrists shrink so his hands turned in. Then they removed the foot boot that was to keep the foot from dropping and put on a different boot that didn't do anything. This led to his foot dropping and his toes curling under his foot. To my understanding, the aids were supposed to do bedside range of motion each shift, but the doctor told me I had to do it. Then if that wasn't bad enough, one of the staff members was not careful with his feeding tube and yanked it out. It was hanging off his stomach but they didn't notice it, I did!!! And I asked if he should go to the hospital but the doctor said no, he was fine, just constipated. Even after blood and formula was coming out of the area surrounding the feeding tube, they said he was fine and didn't send him to the emergency room. They took an x-ray of his stomach and the radiologist told me he had air in his stomach and was impacted. This was on a Wednesday. But the doctor said he just was impacted. I asked the doctor if we can send him to the hospital but he told me they would just send him back. He was kept in the rehab and they kept feeding him and giving him meds through the tube, noticing that he would grimace in agony. They ignored it. I called the doctor on Friday and said I was in the room with my husband when he got a bolus feeding and he cringed in agony. I asked why, should we change his formula? The doctor replied that my husband was constipated and they were going to flush him with water and see how he was on Monday. HE MIGHT NOT HAVE MADE IT TIL MONDAY!! Well the very next morning he had almost 103 fever and his stomach was all distended and red. Apparently, all the food and meds were going into his abdominal cavity which led to an abscess in his stomach. He needed immediate surgery which then led to an infection that eventually led to his death. The lack of good medical decisions in this facility caused my husband to go through unnecessary surgery and now he is gone. He was only 50 years old. They were getting paid to care for my husband but they failed him in the worst way possible.
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