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Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary & St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 1
Mark as been there


108 Carroll St, Brooklyn, NY 11231, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6821672°
Longitude: -74.001847°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-596-7750

Map of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary & St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary & St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church

Reviewed June 30, 2012 05:16
Review rating 3
- Average #13186
Those looking for vital records (for genealogy purposes) through the rectory should know they are doing it only through snail mail: no phone-ins, emails or in-person requests. I was told they were not going to do searches or let the public handle the records. You need an exact date, perhaps a month and year in the least. Also, the rectory hours on the website weren't the same as the voice recording at the telephone number so call ahead if you plan to visit. I was treated quite coldly by the secretary once I arrived.

The church looks beautiful in pictures, but unfortunately was closed the Thursday afternoon I stopped by.
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