This woman is an abuser. I went to her for therapy two years ago. She would roll her eyes when i said i felt like hurting myself. I have close friends that go to her now. One is dealing with anorexia. My friend told Barbra what she ate and she straight up started mooing at my friend. That is not how you treat anorexia nervosa. I was in he group and i told her i wanted to leave. She threatened to call child protective services on my parents for not giving me correct treatment. Barbra Reese is TRANSPHOBIC, HOMOPHOBIC, OFFENSIVE, MANIPULATIVE, AND ABUSIVE. As a teenager that went to her, I'm begging you not to bring your child here.
I had gender dysphoria when i was in her "girls" group. She told me I'd never be a man. I started medically transitioning last week. Barbara shot me down in the past. She practically broke me. Please, if your child goes to her and says shes terrible, they aren't lying. Please don't see this woman.