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Ready Willing & Able

Overall Rating 4.1
Total votes: 8
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2960 Frederick Douglass Blvd, New York, NY 10039, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.8297952°
Longitude: -73.9358048°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-690-6480
Official website

Map of the Ready Willing & Able in New York City

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Reviews to Ready Willing & Able

Reviewed November 16, 2015 18:28
Review rating 5
- Excellent #43890
I owe my life to RWA. I achieved my drivers license. My exterminator license. A job. Bank account. Apartment and most of all my soberiety til this very day. These things did not fall in my lap. But they do when u apply yourself and take advantage of the blessings they have to offer. Its up to the individual. I suggest you listen to staff. Your peers. And the many, many speaker guests who've once sat in your very seat. This is medicine for me. I listened intently and i shared my experiences with others. You have to give yourself a fair chance. I did. Im happy now that my life is an actual life now. No longer a member of the walking dead. I will praise this place till the sun burn out. They gave me a chance to address my root of anguish. But one must grab that bull by the horns and give it all u have. No nothing fell in my lap. But things did once i applied myself and finally took full responsibility for myself. Things fall into place. My life has been great. Feb. 7th will be 8 yrs strong. This actually works but u gotta work it...no short cuts. Be as diligent in ur recovery as you were in your addiction. Where odyssey house denied me help when i needed it most. RWA welcomed me with open arms. Dont let no door close before u when ur life is at stake. Thank u Nas. Thank u Ms. J!
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Reviewed July 21, 2014 10:38
Review rating 5
- Excellent #43891
Great place to be!!!!!
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