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Raymond Ragues & Associates

Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 1
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37-9 80th St, Jackson Heights, NY 11372, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.749331°
Longitude: -73.885829°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-563-4000

Map of the Raymond Ragues & Associates in New York City

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Reviews to Raymond Ragues & Associates

Reviewed November 14, 2012 15:02
Review rating 2
- Poor #216022
After being hit by a car, I went to this law firm. These ambulance chasers sent me to get physical therapy and all sorts of needless procedures like getting an MRI. The whole time I was assured by Carmen Levine that this was going to be paid by the driver’s insurance. LIES. Here I am years later and I’m still being hounded by collection agencies. All this place cares about is getting their commission for their service. They did absolutely NO research into my case.
I found out my initial hospital bill from being struck by the car could have been covered by the state within 180 days of the accident. This I discovered a year later after going into debt. I’m not a lawyer; I found this by doing a simple internet search. I could have done it sooner myself but I actually listened and trusted her legal advice. IT CAN’T BE ANY CLEARER HOW INCOMPETANT, UNINTERESTED AND UNPROFESSIONAL THIS LAW FIRM IS.
The settlement I got has long been consumed by the various medical bills I incurred by listening to Carmen Levine’s legal advice. Had she bothered to contact the driver’s insurance, she would’ve known I wasn’t going to have any of my bills covered.
After incurring all these bills, this place hung me out to dry. If you currently use their services, leave and get another law firm. If it’s too late to change, DON’T SIGN any settlement agreement until you confirm your bills have been paid yourself. DON’T TAKE THEIR WORD FOR IT. ALL CARMEN CARES ABOUT IS HER COMMISSION. If you’re searching for a law firm, go someplace else but here. This is probably the worst law firm out there.
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