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Radiant Skin Dermatology and Laser, PLLC: Dr. Adebola Dele-Michael, MD

Overall Rating 4.8
Total votes: 39
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Radiant Skin Dermatology and Laser, PLLC: Dr. Adebola Dele-Michael, MD will be open in 8 hours 59 minutes

Opening hours

Monday: 09:00 am - 8:00 pm; Tuesday: 09:00 am - 8:00 pm; Wednesday: 09:00 am - 8:00 pm; Thursday: 09:00 am - 8:00 pm; Friday: 08:00 am - 8:00 pm; Saturday: 09:00 am - 8:00 pm; Sunday: Closed;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Radiant Skin Dermatology and Laser, PLLC: Dr. Adebola Dele-Michael, MD in New York is -5 hours


116 Central Park S Suite 7, New York, NY 10019, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.765813°
Longitude: -73.9772024°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 646-679-1159

Map of the Radiant Skin Dermatology and Laser, PLLC: Dr. Adebola Dele-Michael, MD in New York City

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Reviews to Radiant Skin Dermatology and Laser, PLLC: Dr. Adebola Dele-Michael, MD

Reviewed May 17, 2016 16:15
Review rating 5
- Excellent #162797
Addressed my break out and I saw immediate results!!
I have recommended Dr. Dele-Michael to everyone!
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Reviewed July 26, 2014 17:03
Review rating 5
- Excellent #162798
She is the best!!! I walked into that office with dark spots and acne a year ago. As of today my face is very smooth, no acne, no dark spots. I love the office environment and the staff, they are very professional. The doctor is willing to work with your time, for those who have busy schedules like mine. I am really pleased!!
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Reviewed January 16, 2013 19:21
Review rating 5
- Excellent #162799
I visited Dr. Dele-Michael Medical Spa for laser hair removal. I have dark skin and had heard scary stories about laser treatments. I discovered after researching Dr. Dele-michael that she has cutting edge technology that is very safe and effective for ALL skin types. I had over a 95% permanent reduction and a fabulous experience. This has changed my life and I have since become a fan!
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