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Quality Repair

Overall Rating 2.2
Total votes: 49
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20 Rockaway Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11233, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6829828°
Longitude: -73.9119796°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 347-240-8260

Map of the Quality Repair in Kings County City

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Reviews to Quality Repair

Reviewed August 10, 2016 17:32
Review rating 1
- Terrible #206319
Never showed for the first appointment. Did not understand the concept that co-ops in buildings require workers to be outrof the building by 4pm. waiting right now for my second appointment. They have 30 mins left to get here. Good luck getting them on the phone. Incompetent service.
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Reviewed July 16, 2015 21:19
Review rating 1
- Terrible #206320
The nightmare is over!! In early March, the washer on our laundry center was not working properly. I called the Service Protection Advantage (SPA) plan I had and they referred me to Quality Repair, as their service provider for the NY area. On March 16th, they arrived for the appointment in the morning to check my washer. At that time, three parts needed to be ordered. After this appointment, I had seven (7) additional appointments scheduled for this service. Of the seven, Quality Repair was a "No Show" for three appointments and cancelled the final appointment for not having the correct part. When I would call about appointments, they would tell me "I am on the list".
After the cancelled appointment, I filled a complaint with the NY BBB on June 11th. This was 13 weeks after the original appointment, and the washer still was not working. Since filling the complaint, I never did hear back from Quality Repair. I was able to work with the SPA claims department to have my issue resolved as the "part" was not available and the washer was deemed un-repairable.
I would not recommend Quality Repair to anyone that I know.
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