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Public School 182

Overall Rating 3.9
Total votes: 8
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601 Stickball Blvd, Bronx, NY 10473, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.8188648°
Longitude: -73.8569338°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-828-6607

Map of the Public School 182 in Bronx City

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Reviews to Public School 182

Reviewed February 7, 2016 16:33
Review rating 5
- Excellent #69184
I love PS182
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Reviewed January 30, 2016 00:41
Review rating 5
- Excellent #69180
It's a good school the parent association are really nice
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Reviewed December 23, 2014 15:29
Review rating 5
- Excellent #69181
This school needs a microscopic look at the practices and inadequate procedures in reference to classroom structure, curriculum assistance and parent-teacher relationships.

The school is properly equipped with staff for students with learning disabilities and students that may need a little more attention that others. The IEP system is flawed with lazy workers that find every excuse in the book not to have your child evaluated so that they can have the necessary help to be a star student.

Though the parental rights state clearly in black and white that parents can come and observe the classroom at any time, we are not allowed to do so. When a child is not behaving in the classroom, the redirection methods are not conducive to the child learning anything that is pertinent to their educational development.

It took 3 years of requesting services for my son, whom is very bright, has a speech impediment and is a poor tester--for me to receive any feedback. I go to a meeting about the process, but none of the actions within the process have taken place. As a result, my son is not receiving the proper services that can lead to him showing how bright he is via his report card.

Dates are promised, yet moved further and further into the year. I'm very upset with this school that claims to "Reach for the Stars" but only by stepping on the children that are different.
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Reviewed December 23, 2014 15:11
Review rating 2
- Poor #69182
In size this school is great since its small. Being small however seems to work against them. They lack resources and the skill set to cope with any children seeking extra help. The principals way of coping with any child struggling with work, behavior or any other issue is by stating these words " This is an educational institution" Yes it is an educational institution and each and every child should be able to receive one at this school wiether it takes them longer to learn the ABC's , share or control their emotions. They constantly call a parent for any child who cries out for help rather than helping. They will meet and meet and meet with you with no idea of how to remedy the issue at hand. They are not teaching children how to deal with situations and other ways to express themselves instead they make them feel inferior and treat them as if they are walking into a jail and the Principal is just the warden.
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Reviewed August 6, 2014 19:07
Review rating 1
- Terrible #69183
Alot of games with your childs education are played with here. I had alot of issues with the staff. Everyone smiles and greets you but the support that they claim to provide to your child seems to dissapate once school starts or issues arise. There is a lot of "passing the buck"! If I could move her to a private school I would!
-An unhappy parent
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