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Public Adjusters NY

Overall Rating 4.9
Total votes: 37
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Opening hours

Monday: Open 24 hours; Tuesday: Open 24 hours; Wednesday: Open 24 hours; Thursday: Open 24 hours; Friday: Open 24 hours; Saturday: Open 24 hours; Sunday: Open 24 hours;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Public Adjusters NY in New York is -5 hours


2 Lawson Ave #292, East Rockaway, NY 11518, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6415141°
Longitude: -73.6668897°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 800-485-4813

Map of the Public Adjusters NY in East Rockaway City

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Reviews to Public Adjusters NY

Reviewed March 28, 2016 17:03
Review rating 5
- Excellent #239084
a tree fell on my house and i called my gardener who recommended public adjusters ny. they filed the claim for me and did basically everything . within 1 week i had a check to fix my roof
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Reviewed March 22, 2016 21:11
Review rating 5
- Excellent #239083
I called because i had a really bad mold problem. They came and did a free mold assessment which was nice and then they told me that there is prob. a water leak behind the wall if mold is growing on the outside of it. sure enough a pipe cracked and was leaking water. They filled a claim for me, and i got everything fixed. Great job
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