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Pinki Enterprises Inc

Overall Rating 1
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167-25 Rockaway Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11420, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.659435°
Longitude: -73.7728139°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 347-242-2600

Map of the Pinki Enterprises Inc in Queens City

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Reviews to Pinki Enterprises Inc

Reviewed January 14, 2016 16:40
Review rating 1
- Terrible #234457
First of all I have to say that i was very disappointed with time of delivery (took 3 months) as well as cost of shipping and fees.

My first shipment (my car) to Croatia in 2011 was $1150 and port fees in Croatia were $309 and took only 4 weeks to deliver. That was under Demars Co. and everything was done right and very professional.

This time around under Pinki Enterprises and Modux j.d.o.o (under the same manager Mr. Dean Dujmovic) in 2015 when I was bringing my car back I was asked $1500 for shipping and I was told that port fees in US will be around $400. Ended up that I had to pay $1056. That is total of 57% increase for the same service. To me it is completely unjustifiable. Also I feel that they were dishonest about the fees. They were really quick about asking for payments but providing service (i.e. follow up calls, emails, shipment tracking etc.) that was non existing.

Bottom line: Unprofessional, Misleading, Expensive! Find someone else...
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