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PATH Medical Center

Overall Rating 3.7
Total votes: 42
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304 Park Ave S #6, New York, NY 10010, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7401588°
Longitude: -73.9869328°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-213-6155
Official website

Map of the PATH Medical Center in New York City

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Reviews to PATH Medical Center

Reviewed March 4, 2016 02:00
Review rating 5
- Excellent #148311
I started with PATH medical at the beginning of December 2015, I was over weight, short of breath,not sleeping, having joint pain and my blood work showed I was a ticking time bomb. When I first met Dr B it was quite the experiance he moves 100 miles per hour in all directions, and I must say he tells it like it is very blunt no sugar coating here. After consulting with Dr B and Dr S I joined the Executive Heath Program, thats when it all started. I went through a battery of blood tests, full body scans, bone density scan, brain mapping, memory tests and so on. After this we settled on a path to get me on the right track. Now fast forward to March 1st. I have lost over 35lbs, I am sleeping well,my joint pain is gone and the most important thing is that my blood work is showing normal numbers for the first time in over 20 years. I am very grateful to Dr Braverman and his staff for making me feel better than I have in 30 years, he is an amazing Dr and very accessible and reachable whenever he is needed, he gives you his direct office line plus two cell phone numbers to use at anytime you have to reach him with any concerns. This Dr is the real deal no fraud here.
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Reviewed January 20, 2016 21:29
Review rating 5
- Excellent #148312
I have been a patient for over three years now, and only continue to get better with PATH. I came to Dr, Braverman old, slow and getting dumber.His approach to HRT and supplements have changed my life for the better. I have lost 20 lbs and have significantly more energy. My brain works 15 milliseconds faster now, I remember more and can think on my feet again. Thank you PATH and Dr. Braverman for helping reverse the aging process.
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