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Reviews to Page Publishing
If you want to publish your book do not publish with these self publishing companies. Please do your research. For the experience that I have and for being an author now. Your best choice is either getting an agent and have them get you into a good publishing company,or look at create space. Create space is independent publishing there is no cost to publish your book through them. But if you want to be suckered into paying thousands of dollars that's your choice.
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This is a scam! They are getting you hooked for thousands of dollars! They will tell everyone they "passed" and continue on. Please read all the evidence I know I did, I may not have been scammed but more people need to see this comment and the others that were put! They had an ad on tv because they scammed enough people to get to that point DO NOT TRUST!
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If you are reading this good for you!! Do not try to publish with this company they are a big scam!!! Read the better Business bureau complaints in New York about them.
BBB Business Review
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Page Publishing is a decent establishment. However they need to seriously invest in their editing department. The editing team was very disappointing and be prepared to do most of your editing yourself.
Also, they say they promote to 100 different contacts but they really just send them the equivalent to junk mail, a flyer with book description.
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A little over a year ago I sent my manuscript to Page Publishing and they published my book Unwanted Burden by Kimberly C. Vincent and were so terrific through the whole process of making sure my book was professionally done and easy to read. They are great people to work with and I have high regard for all the people who helped me get my book on line for sale. Thank you Page Publishing, Evelyn Fowler
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