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P.S. 90 Edna Cohen School

Overall Rating 4
Total votes: 10
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2840 W 12th St, Brooklyn, NY 11224, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.5781034°
Longitude: -73.9801565°

Contact Information

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+1 718-266-8090

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Reviews to P.S. 90 Edna Cohen School

Reviewed June 26, 2012 07:01
Review rating 5
- Excellent #11119
Principal Greta Hawkins is NOT the type of person that should be heading a school! We NEED educators that do not push there political beliefs on our children. It is her JOB to teach children about the brave men and women who founded our country. It is her JOB to teach the children, how through the history of our GREAT nation, men and women have given their lives to keep us a free country, and give people like her the right to voice their opinions. NOT push them down the throats of others, especially children! Justin Beiber is NOT someone to be looked up to, and his music is most certainly NOT something elementary children should be singing in place of patriotic songs. It is suggestive! If you allow her to continue employment with your school system, you are no better then she is, and you too deserve to be fired!!!
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Reviewed June 20, 2012 15:44
Review rating 2
- Poor #11120
My husband & I have been abroad for the majority of the past decade- we have missed holidays, birthdays and special life events of our nieces, nephews and other family members. We have made these sacrifices so that the Freedoms guaranteed to the citizens of our country will endure and be protected from extinction. It is people like Principal Greta Hawkins that can be defined as the enemy within. Our citizens need to be vigilant about protecting our rights- including the right to sing a Patriotic song.

If this is the type of adult that is being compensated to guide the next generation of Americans, then our Country is in serious jeopardy of losing the very rights and freedoms that so many Military members sacrifice so much to safe-guard.

I’m appealing not just to the parents of the students who attend PS90 but also to the community of Coney Island to administer appropriate reprimand that will help send a message that our American Rights are worth defending and certainly an individual who is entrusted to teach this to our next generation needs to uphold their responsibility of teaching this. Not only has Principal Hawkins been entrusted to oversee the education of our next generation, she has also been paid to perform the obligations that come with the position. Instilling Patriotism and a value of our Freedoms is most definitely listed among her implied obligations.

I appeal to you as the spouse of a man who has devoted his life to ensuring the same freedoms, that Principal Hawkins has tossed out the school, are safe guarded. This is not what the last 10 years of our life has been dedicated to. While our military is constantly interfering with attempts from aboard to diminish Freedoms; in a case such as this, the enemy seems to be living within and exercising behaviors that are such an obvious attempt to destroy the very freedoms that define our Nation. While Principal Hawkins actions might only influence the thoughts of a few hundred students, who attend the school that has fallen under her direction, the ripple effect of an ongoing erosion of Patriotism and the Freedoms in which our Nation is admired by citizens around the globe, are significant and in grave peril if behaviors such as this are allowed to continue without reprimand.
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Reviewed June 12, 2012 17:23
Review rating 5
- Excellent #11122
Fire the principal! This woman is UN-American and is typical of the liberal left taking over our public school system. As a liberal, wouldn't she be one of the first squawk about the separation of church and state. But yet I see that she may be using her religion, Jehovah's Witness, as a reason to not say the pledge or sing this song. Yeah, right. I thought you weren't suppose to do that? I also understand that she is being protected by the school district administrators. Gee, I wonder if her race has something to do with that? What a bunch of wusses. Fire Greta Hawkins NOW!
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Reviewed June 11, 2012 19:58
Review rating 2
- Poor #11123
This woman needs to find a new country to live in.. Her Racists View of the world does not need to be smeared on small children.

Greta Hawkins Must go....
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Reviewed June 11, 2012 14:20
Review rating 5
- Excellent #11121
How dare you teach our childern wrong... who do you think you are not to allow our future childern of this country to sing a proud song of our country.. if you felt that THEY .who ever THEY are would fell affend TO BAD.. THEy dont like it... they THEY can leave... Greta Hawkins you should know better and you affend our COUNTRY..
Dina Gittlitz a fellow AMERICAN ...
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