I simply will ask! Is this a business or a cover up for something else? Why are simple (smell of glue) purses $100 and above? They are cardboard with glued glitter and made in some alley-way in India! They are making 200% and more profits on them! The rest of us wish to purchase these products as we live in this world! Can it be an affordably expensive item instead of 200% over their cost?
Also, why is polyestor sold as jacquard and as brocade? An inspector needs to check this store and others on Oak Tree Road for ripping off the public by selling UNauthentic items as silk and brocade. And to top it all the 50% off is a hogwash! They price it over 200%, then mark it 50% off, giving them 100% or more profit and then pretend to give a discount if you truly know how to bargain! Rip offs need to be jailed for their black market business!