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Ophthalmic Physicians of Monmouth: Jason Steinfeld, MD

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Monday: 09:00 am - 6:30 pm; Tuesday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm; Wednesday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm; Thursday: 09:00 am - 6:30 pm; Friday: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm; Saturday: 09:00 am - 0:00 pm; Sunday: Closed;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Ophthalmic Physicians of Monmouth: Jason Steinfeld, MD in New Jersey is -5 hours

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733 N Beers St, Holmdel, NJ 07733, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.4037625°
Longitude: -74.1909385°

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+1 732-739-0707
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Reviews to Ophthalmic Physicians of Monmouth: Jason Steinfeld, MD

Reviewed February 26, 2016 20:36
Review rating 1
- Terrible #29365
WARNING: I had cataract surgery October and November 2011 with Dr Jason I. Steinfeld of Holmdel, NJ. After he did the cataract surgeries he did "glaucoma work" which caused serve problems in my eyes, or what is medically called Aqueous Misdirection or Malignant Glaucoma. He caused severe tissue damage within my eye when he did this glaucoma work right after the cataract surgery, and pressure kept increasing in both of my eyes. I complained after the first surgery and cancelled the second. He was rude and very pushy, even said, "You are being hysterical. This was good surgery. If you don't get the second eye done, the first won't turn out right." I was crying and said I cancelled the second surgery. He continued his pressuring and he called the nurse and scheduled the second one. I felt very overwhelmed and was continued to cry. I trusted his opinion not knowing what other options I had. I thought that cataract surgery could not be redone. He did the same damage on my second eye. NOTE: I actually had no glaucoma because he fixed that a few years earlier by doing laser work for glaucoma. He did this glaucoma work anyway with the cataract surgery. He was probing within my eye after the cataract implants were done and that is when he caused damage to the fluid flow in my eyes. After the second surgery, I had to wear a patch on one eye since I could not use my eyes together. He told me, "Just look with both of your eyes. Why are you being hysterical?" He wouldn't return calls. I started to go to other doctors for help in NJ and couldn't anyone who would do anything, knowing this was a bad condition. I finally went to Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, PA and had to have TWO Victrectomy operations, one on each eye. This is a high risk surgery and I was told at Wills that I might lose my sight with the surgeries. I had to have it done. I could only read two lines at a time and had to rest my eyes. Finally, Dr. Marc Spirn, a Retinal surgeon, did the two Victrectomy operations. My left eye was damage by Steinfeld--it is weaker, tires more easily and I get lines in my vision. Dr. Spirn told me that was the more damaged eye. Steinfeld also put two different power of cataract lenses in my eyes. Steinfeld put a more nearsighted lens in my second eye to compensate for the increasing nearsightedness in my first eye. He should have referred me to a retinal specialist after the first surgery. I complained regularly to him, and in his notes he lied and wrote: There were no postoperative concerns. He also reported that he put the same power of cataract lenses in my eyes, but I have proof he did not. After trying to get help from other doctors in NJ, the last doctor told me to go back to him. I told her that I had tried that and even saw his superior, an older doctor at Ophthalmic Physicians of Monmouth, Dr. Klug, who examined my eyes, when I had to wear the patch over one. Klug covered up for Steinfeld and said there was nothing wrong. I did contact Steinfeld again at the other doctor's recommendation, and got a letter, which I have, that said, "Since you were unhappy with our services, we recommend you go to Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, PA." This was several months after Steinfeld damaged my eyes. With the increasing pressure in my eyes, they were becoming more and more damaged. I did not put an online complaint before now because I have been traumatized and am not in the practice of complaining about a doctor. My Victrectomy surgeries at Wills Eye Hospital were done June and July 2012. I spent over $1,000.00 that I did not get reimbursed for. I wrote Steinfeld about this and the operations at Wills and was ignored.
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