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NYcitySTUFF Handyman & Painting

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 1
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832 Kent Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.696123°
Longitude: -73.959992°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-242-1800
Official website

Map of the NYcitySTUFF Handyman & Painting in Kings County City

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Reviews to NYcitySTUFF Handyman & Painting

Reviewed March 19, 2014 02:31
Review rating 5
- Excellent #176342
Thank goodness for NYCityStuff! After finishing a big renovation, we had a bunch of projects that our building staff was dragging their feet on, and was beyond our minimal abilities with a power drill. NYCityStuff to the rescue! Paul was easy to reach, quick to respond, and was able to confirm availability around our schedule without any hassle. Eddie, our handyman, was a pleasure to work with, good humored, polite, talented and very mindful of our space. We kept having to tell him to stop cleaning up! All the work on our punch list was done swiftly and expertly. What a huge help. Would use them again in a heartbeat.
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