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NYC Department of Sanitation Central Repair Shop

Overall Rating 4.5
Total votes: 6
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52-35 58th St, Woodside, NY 11377, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7344781°
Longitude: -73.9092883°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-334-9183

Map of the NYC Department of Sanitation Central Repair Shop in Woodside City

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Reviews to NYC Department of Sanitation Central Repair Shop

Reviewed February 2, 2015 13:02
Review rating 4
- Very Good #52741
My name is Luis Zavala, residing at 187-18 Wexford Terr. Jamaica Estates, NY 11432. I consider Sanitation department is doing very good job, keeping STREET clean of snow, but sometime some workers don't have any idea what they are doing. I am 69 years old and my neighbours are 78 and 97 years old. Sanitation block all my driveway with ice and big block of snow already froze. I take hours to clean my snow and keeping my side walk free so nobody fall. Also, I have to keep my driveway clean to move my car for any emergency. Now, my driveway is completed block it and I can have a heart attack cleaning again. This is not fear, I followed the NY Law and I don't put snow on the road to avoid any ticket by Sanitation. Please, oriented a all Sanitation workers don not block driveway from private houses.
I hope, someone in your department understand my situation and my 69 year old....I am not a young man anymore.
Sincerely Luis E. Zavala
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