When I walked into the World Martial Arts Center in the Summer of 2012, I knew my search for THE best martial arts school was over.
Found and directed by Master Herbert (SaBumNim), the school introduces a wholesome and healthy lifestyle that is physically, mentally, and emotionally empowering. Each class is unique and focuses on flexibility, strength, agility, mental-fortitude - suitable for all ages, body types, and training levels. Not only you learn self-defense, the school and its warm community encourages you to push yourself to levels you've never achieved before - physically, mentally, emotionally. The school focuses on HapKiDo, a traditional Korean Mixed Martial Arts style with roots in Aikido and TaeKwonDo. The WMAC teaches HapKiDo in addition to boxing, judo, jujitsu, and weapons such as staff and sword. It's a very well-rounded curriculum that maximizes your potential in stand-up and ground combat and self-defense.
I highly recommend the children's classes as well. The small and mighty children's instructor team gives each child individual attention, improving their focus, confidence, leadership skills, fitness, and self-defense.