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New York Kali Mandir

Overall Rating 5
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614 Seaman Ave, Baldwin, NY 11510, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6626346°
Longitude: -73.6131895°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-771-5254
Official website

Map of the New York Kali Mandir in Baldwin City

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Reviews to New York Kali Mandir

Reviewed May 11, 2012 00:40
Review rating 5
- Excellent #105297
Somak K. Das - today
On May 5, 2012, we (Swapan and Anjana Das; Basanti and Somak Das) had sponsored a Satyanarayan Pooja with the blessings of two priests, Mr. Amiya Banerjee and Mr. Samiran. Our experience was excellent. Both the priests were very knowledgeable and they conducted our pooja with lot of devotion. The mantras in Sanskrit, were chanted loud and clear, and we could feel the vibrations. I do not understand Sanskrit, but Mr. Samiran made it a point to explain the significance of each slokas in layman's terms. Especially, the two explanations regarding Drapudi calling Lord Krishna at time of distress; and why should one not sit with their feet pointing towards the statue of God, even though God is omnipotent or present everywhere. In summary, we had a great experience and thank you all for attending our pooja. Sincerely, Somak K. Das
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