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New York City Police Department

Overall Rating 3.7
Total votes: 6
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19 1/2 Pitt St, New York, NY 10002, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7164788°
Longitude: -73.9838567°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-477-7311

Map of the New York City Police Department in New York City

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Reviews to New York City Police Department

Reviewed November 16, 2015 20:06
Review rating 5
- Excellent #23523
Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do
whatcha gonna do when NYPD comes for you!
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Reviewed August 5, 2015 07:11
Review rating 5
- Excellent #23524
I live in a private building on Pitt Street between Rivington and Stanton. I have lived here for 22 years. In the wee hours of this morning approximately 2 AM two groups of people were on Pitt and Rivington arguing and a fight looked to be developing. A police car from the 7th Precinct approached and on loud speaker told the crowds to disperse and leave the area. I had never seen the police do that on this block before. I was glad to see it.

Several cars arrived and parked to assist. Although the groups separated they walked only a short distance away from each other then stopped and each continued to talk junk about the other and the situation as though they were waiting for the police to leave and they can continue their dispute. Well, the police surprised them. Two police officers got out of their cars and approached the group to the right as a woman was yelling and cursing her head off. That group was gone after the police spoke to them. A woman in the group to the left began cursing loading and arguing with someone and the police car pulled up to her and her group and told them to "leave, go home and did they not understand." In minutes everyone from both groups were gone!

As the police cars pulled away to leave, they passed my building and I yelled from my bedroom window "THANK YOU!" The police officer waved his hand as to say "You're Welcome." I have never been so proud and happy at that moment to see the police patrolling the block I live on and clearing it of the riffraff and trouble makers that roam the night, every night on Pitt Street particularly Pitt St. between Rivington and Stanton!

Thank you to New York's finest of the 7th Precinct in the Lower East Side of Manhattan!!
I love you guys and gals. There are definitely more good police than bad and some of the good one's work out of the 7th Precinct!
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Reviewed January 18, 2012 03:26
Review rating 1
- Terrible #23527
I call no one answered
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Reviewed September 22, 2011 18:56
Review rating 1
- Terrible #23526
Called in to their precinct to make a complaint about double-parked vehicles all over my street. Picked "0" for their switchboard. Nobody picked up.
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Reviewed December 11, 2010 19:27
Review rating 1
- Terrible #23525
The officers from the 7th precint are very rude. Do not go there for help because they are also very inexperienced. People sell drugs in front of them and they do nothing. They do not help anyone!!!
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