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Neptune Plumbing & Heating Supplies

Overall Rating 2.5
Total votes: 50
Mark as been there


211 Neptune Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.5817871°
Longitude: -73.9613545°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-646-5222

Map of the Neptune Plumbing & Heating Supplies in Kings County City

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Reviews to Neptune Plumbing & Heating Supplies

Reviewed June 16, 2015 19:05
Review rating 1
- Terrible #174964
These wankers. Dont go there.
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Reviewed September 12, 2011 12:18
Review rating 1
- Terrible #174965
I was unlucky enough to purchase the condensate pump ( $70) from this store. From the first moment of use the pump started making loud crackling sounds each time it was going on. NEXT MORNING i came to the store with the pump and a purchase invoice but they refused to return the money or exchange the defected item. In very rude and offensive way they started accusing me in "wrong installation" (connecting to the electric outlet) and offering, as the solution, to purchase another the same pump. After 30 minutes of angry arguing they exchange it for the same pump which (what i find out when i came home) is making the same crackling sounds each time it is going on. So I am recommending to all my friends to stay away from this place.
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