PLEASE DO NOT WORK FOR THIS MAN CRAIG PESTONE, He treats his employees like garbage. I worked for this man for a month, and everything I did was never good enough for him, I never did anything right, even calling me a thief in my face in front of my co workers without having any intentions of stealing from him or having probable cause. His Father Frank Pestone Jr, Also disrespected me by telling me in front of my co workers, that I was useless to him as an employee just because I didn't have a driver's license and I couldn't drive. They think your vulnerable just because they have a lot of money and property. AGAIN PLEASE DO NOT WORK FOR THIS MAN!!!!
This man will sell you hopes and dreams, his talk is cheap. He fired me because I expressed myself about the situation, and he didn't want to hear it on numerous occasions telling me to be quiet and stop talking. This man is very cheap, wants you to do a lot for very little.