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Moss, Dr. Tamara

Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 1
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11420 Queens Blvd, Forest Hills, NY 11375, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.716475°
Longitude: -73.8348209°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-459-8460

Map of the Moss, Dr. Tamara in Forest Hills City

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Reviews to Moss, Dr. Tamara

Reviewed July 12, 2012 17:39
Review rating 2
- Poor #75066
She is a BAD Dr.! She fails to communicate, and should be sued for negligence. My mother was seen by her, and was told the growth she had for over 19 years was simply a "wart". She failed to use a light or even a loop, she just diagnosed it via her eyes. My mother went to another Dr. for a second opinion, and it turned out to be Squamous Cell Carcinoma!!! Dr. Moss SUCKS. My mother could have died, and she would be held responsible for her life. She failed to correctly diagnose, write a report about it in her chart, and she failed to refer her for a biopsy.
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