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Morris B Moving Incorporated

Overall Rating 3.7
Total votes: 3
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533 River Dr, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.9037189°
Longitude: -74.1270257°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-796-0465
Official website

Map of the Morris B Moving Incorporated in Elmwood Park City

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Reviews to Morris B Moving Incorporated

Reviewed March 17, 2014 12:26
Review rating 5
- Excellent #41875
Wayne to NYC. I called several movers and either I didn't get a return call or they wouldn't deal with the moving restrictions or insurances my building in NYC needed. When I called MBM they actually were familiar with were I was moving and even knew what the building wanted to schedule the appointment. My move was perfect and the men who moved my daughter and I were gentlemen. Thank you, pleasure to recommend.
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Reviewed March 16, 2014 20:04
Review rating 5
- Excellent #41874
I was in a pinch and basically walked up to the driver of an MBM truck and gave the gentlemen my contact info. Within 15 minutes the owner of the company called my cell phone and listened to my dilemma. By the end of the next day, I was visited at my home, had a written estimate and a firm date. The day of my move was flawless, the men on site helped my daughter not only pack her boxes but safely packed the family car for our journey. They actually beat us to Florida because of our delay in leaving. I arranged them to get in, over one phone call the driver took detailed information of what went where. The next day we arrived to our furniture placed with in inches, boxes folded and stored in recycling and an invoice that was 200.00 dollars less then quoted, go figure! Service and Family Values shine thru in this companies service levels! THANK YOU MBM AND IF YOU HAVE TO MOVE ANYTHING ANYWHERE CALL THEM!
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Reviewed July 21, 2013 16:47
Review rating 1
- Terrible #41876
I hired MBM Movers last year only to find out they hire guys with drug/arrest/conviction records. Unfortunately my engagement ring was left on my dresser unattended and disappeared. While I have no evidence to prove it I am sure it did not disappear into thin air. During the police investigation the same guy was arrested again & I was told he hadn't shown up for parole. I did ask the owner who stated his people were clean. Yeah they clean you out. Use someone else do yourself a favor.
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