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Metropolitan Correctional Center

Overall Rating 4.3
Total votes: 3
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150 Park Row, New York, NY 10007, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7131347°
Longitude: -74.0015543°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 646-836-6300

Map of the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City

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Reviews to Metropolitan Correctional Center

Reviewed January 2, 2016 04:16
Review rating 5
- Excellent #125792
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Reviewed February 15, 2015 15:51
Review rating 3
- Average #125791
I began my 26 year journey in federal prison at a Metropolitan Correctional Center. While inside those walls, I didn't have any idea that I could emerge from the prison experience with my dignity intact. As I've written in my books and on my website, I earned multiple university degrees and build a career. Those choices empowered me. Frank sang that if a man could make it in New York he could make it anywhere. An individual who enters the federal prison system with such an attitude can emerge from federal prison with dignity to rebuild a successful career and also feel as if he is living a life of meaning and relevance. That was my experience and it is the lesson I teach. Prison is what a man makes of it, not what the prison system does to an individual.
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Reviewed March 26, 2012 06:42
Review rating 5
- Excellent #125793
Hi Internet. I just got out of MCC a few hours ago. I am currently across the street at that deli with the computers you can rent per minute. I met so many cool people in MCC and we exchanged e-mail addresses, so here I am sending them an e-mail before I go home and make some Fake ID's (Thanks Alexandrov!). Anyway, yea, MCC was awesome. Where else can you be surrounded by such brilliant criminal minds, get free shelter, food, room service, and even e-mail access (Thanks CorrLinks!). I met some great guys, shout out to The Real Big Homie, Made Off, The Trini, My dude Victor Bout That Life, and LulzSec!. The food was OK I guess...Tuna and Ice Tea, no complaints. Anyway, this cop is staring at me so I'm going to cut this review short. Shout out to West Philly Freck and GMG also!! Peace.
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